Young boy holds a red nose made from Legos

Red Nose Day in School

Watch: Here's How to Make a Red Nose

Every entry in the Community Builders Challenge must include a Red Nose at its heart to ensure positivity and inclusion for all. It's easy to create one yourself!

February 23, 2024

Join the Community Builders Challenge, a NEW hands-on SEL learning experience that combines creativity and compassion to inspire students across the country to build a better world.

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Every entry in the Community Builders Challenge must include a Red Nose at its heart to ensure positivity and inclusion for all. It's easy to create one yourself!

The Community Builder’s Challenge, created by Red Nose Day In School and the LEGO Group's Build The Change team, was designed to help your students imagine solutions for everyday problems they see around them: Are there ways to make it easier for everyone to play together? What if you could change how to share food? How about a new green space for a neighborhood with no grass or trees?

Your students can use any classroom supplies that spark their creativity, from paper, glue, crayons, and clay to LEGO® bricks, feathers, and popsicle sticks, to design and create their awesome ideas.

But there's more to this project than just building! At the heart of our collaboration lies a deeper mission — to infuse empathy and laughter into our communities, one Red Nose at a time. And so, before you guide your students through these projects, we’d like to show you how to help them craft their very own Red Nose and place it proudly at the center of their creations, powering them with joy and compassion.

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PS: Don't forget to submit your student's awesome creations by April 15th for a chance for your students to be crowned the most amazing, creative, out-of-the-box thinkers around. The winning classroom will receive LEGO bricks worth a value of at least $599 USD.

Our panel of judges will announce the winner in May! Upload your project here.

Red Nose Day

Red Nose Day in School is a free educational program designed to teach young students about the impacts of poverty on children, foster empathy building, and celebrate acts of kindness in the classroom and beyond. This year-round program includes lesson plans, routines and videos to help students practice core reading and writing skills while also helping them realize their power to make a difference for others. Learn more.